[Exhibition & Interior]Maplestory The hyundai Seoul POP-UP (2023)
[Exhibition & Interior]Maplestory The hyundai Seoul POP-UP (2023)
Address : 3F, 26, Bangbae-ro 23-gil, Seocho-gu, Republic of Korea (06673)
E-mail : beblue@beblue.co.kr
TEL : +82-2-598-0509 FAX : +82-2-598-0508
ⓒBEBLUE CO., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Maplestory The hyundai Seoul POP-UP (2023)
Date | 2023. 10. 05 – 10. 15
Venue|The hyundai Seoul
Co-Work Agency|FM communications
Brand Pop-up Store
Concept development
Space Design , Graphic Design
Branding , Display